Raw Material Day with a Focus on Sustainable Solutions

During Raw Material Day, some 50 participants from the Danish polymer industry, universities and government agencies gathered to discuss and learn more about recycled and bio-based materials. Nexam Chemical was invited as one of the speakers for a presentation on Reactive Recycling.
In mid-September, Raw Material Day was held in Fredericia, Denmark, with a focus on manufacturer’s demand for sustainable raw materials and plastics with low environmental impact.
Over the course of a day, participants learned about the rules and regulations that apply to recycled plastics, the latest developments in life cycle analysis and new developments in the field of bio-based plastic materials. Lars Öhrn, Chief Marketing Officer at Nexam Chemical, explained how Nexam’s Reactive Recycling products improve recycled plastic materials, so that they regain their original properties and can be adapted to the application in which they will be used.
“The fact that these are issues that attract a lot of interest was evident from the many questions and discussions that followed. In particular, they focused on topics such as processability, function and the possibility of combining different materials into new hybrid solutions. Many came back to the fact that we need plastics, but that they can –and must –be made more sustainable,” says Lars Öhrn.
During the day, participants learned how to increase the amount of recycled plastics in products without compromising their quality, and how recycled carbon fibres can be used for reinforcement. Participants were also treated to inspiring case studies from DBI Plasticsabout its process for replacing fossil-fuel based plastics with bioplastics, Grundfos about its work with recycling the materials from old pumps, and Dantoy about their pioneering use of bioplastics for toys.
“For us in the industry, this was an opportunity to share experiences and make new business contacts to continue building sustainable plastics that help us in our everyday lives,”says Lars Öhrn.
Read more about Reactive Recycling on our Linkedin and in our previous articles.